
The configuration file can be found in the config.lua file.


RefuelAnimationstringAnimation used for refueling
RefuelAnimationDictionarystringAnimation dictionary used for refueling
LeaveEngineRunningbooleanEnables engine running on exit if F is held
CostMultipliernumberFuel price multiplier
FuelDecorstringFuel level decor
RefuelTimenumberTime for refuel progress bar and cancellation logic
MenuWaitTimenumberWait time after callbacks for menus
Config.RefuelAnimation = "gar_ig_5_filling_can"
Config.RefuelAnimationDictionary = "timetable@gardener@filling_can"
Config.LeaveEngineRunning = true
Config.CostMultiplier = 3.0
Config.FuelDecor = "_FUEL_LEVEL"
Config.RefuelTime = 600
Config.MenuWaitTime = 100


playerOwnedbooleanIf true, there will be Peds at all stations and players will be able to purchase the stations
playerControlledNamingbooleanIf true, station owners can change the station name
minNameLengthnumberThis is the minimum length that the name of a station must have
maxNameLengthnumberThis is the maximum length that the name of a station must have
salePercentagenumberPercentage of the revenue that the station owner receives
showNearestOnlybooleanIf true, only the nearest stations are shown on the map
profanityListstring{}Profanity list to stop players from using blacklisted words as names for their stations
Config.Station = {
    playerOwned = true,
    playerControlledNaming = true,
    minNameLength = 10,
    maxNameLength = 20,
    salePercentage = 0.50,
    showNearestOnly = true,
    profanityList = {"exampleOne", "exampleTwo", "exampleThree"}


chargingbooleanEnables or disables charging
chargerModelbooleanYou can set this to false to add your own model, or use a ymap for the model instead
spritenumberThe sprite number used for the charger map blip
playerControlledShutOffbooleanIf true, the station owners can disable / enable the chargers
playerControlledPricingbooleanIf true, station owners are able to control pricing
minPricePerKwhnumberThe minimum price per kilowatt hour
maxPricePerKwhnumberThe maximum price per kilowatt hour
spritenumberThe sprite number used for the charger map blip
colornumberThe color number used for the charger map blip
scalenumberThe scale number used for the charger map blip
vehiclesstring{}A list of compatible vehicles (spawn name) that can be charged
Config.Electric = {
    charging = true,
    chargerModel = true,
    playerControlledShutOff = true,
    playerControlledPricing = true,
    minPricePerKwh = 3,
    maxPricePerKwh = 10,
    sprite = 354,
    color = 75,
    scale = 1.2,
    vehicles = {"surge", "iwagen", "voltic", "voltic2", "raiden", "cyclone", "tezeract", "neon", "omnisegt", "caddy",
                "caddy2", "caddy3", "airtug", "rcbandito", "imorgon", "dilettante", "khamelion", "airace", "rsetrongt",
                "etronsportb", "bmwi3", "bmwi4", "bmwi8", "bmwix", "fordmache", "f150l", "lucidair", "mbeqe", "mbeqa",
                "mbeqg", "mbeqs", "modelsplaid", "models", "model3", "modelxplaid", "modelx", "modely", "roadster",
                "roadstersport", "cybertruck", "cyberquad", "semi"}


playerControlledShutOffbooleanIf true, the station owners can disable / enable the pumps
playerControlledPricingbooleanIf true, station owners will be able to control fuel pricing
minPricePerLiternumberThe minimum price per liter of fuel
maxPricePerLiternumberThe maximum price per liter of fuel
unlimitedbooleanIf true, fuel stations will not require refueling by station owners
maxReservesnumberThe maximum amount of fuel that the station can hold
reservePricePerLiternumberThe price of fuel reserves per liter for station owners
vehicleBlowUpbooleanIf true, there will be a chance of the vehicle blowing up if fueled while the engine is on
blowUpChancenumberPercentage chance of engine explosion
nozzleExplosionbooleanIf true, the fuel pump may explode when players run away with the nozzle
spritenumberThe sprite number used for the fuel map blip
colornumberThe color number used for the fuel map blip
scalenumberThe scale number used for the fuel map blip
noUsagestring{}A list of vehicles that should not use fuel
Config.Fuel = {
    playerControlledShutOff = true,
    playerControlledPricing = true, 
    minPricePerLiter = 3,
    maxPricePerLiter = 10,
    unlimited = false,
    maxReserves = 100000,
    reservePricePerLiter = 2,
    vehicleBlowUp = false,
    blowUpChance = 5,
    nozzleExplosion = false,
    sprite = 361,
    color = 4,
    scale = 0.8,
    noUsage = {"exampleOne", "exampleTwo", "exampleThree"} 


[number]numberAdjust to use more or less fuel / energy for a specific vehicle class
Config.Classes = {
    [0] = 1.0, -- Compacts
    [1] = 1.0, -- Sedans
    [2] = 1.0, -- SUVs
    [3] = 1.0, -- Coupes
    [4] = 1.0, -- Muscle
    [5] = 1.0, -- Sports Classics
    [6] = 1.0, -- Sports
    [7] = 1.0, -- Super
    [8] = 1.0, -- Motorcycles
    [9] = 1.0, -- Off-road
    [10] = 1.0, -- Industrial
    [11] = 1.0, -- Utility
    [12] = 1.0, -- Vans
    [13] = 0.0, -- Cycles
    [14] = 1.0, -- Boats
    [15] = 1.0, -- Helicopters
    [16] = 1.0, -- Planes
    [17] = 1.0, -- Service
    [18] = 1.0, -- Emergency
    [19] = 1.0, -- Military
    [20] = 1.0, -- Commercial
    [21] = 1.0 -- Trains


[number]numberThe configuration table sets the percentage of RPM at which fuel / energy is removed from the tank at a rate of the specified fuel amount divided by 10, per second
Config.Usage = {
    [1.0] = 1.3,
    [0.9] = 1.1,
    [0.8] = 0.9,
    [0.7] = 0.8,
    [0.6] = 0.7,
    [0.5] = 0.5,
    [0.4] = 0.3,
    [0.3] = 0.2,
    [0.2] = 0.1,
    [0.1] = 0.1,
    [0.0] = 0.0


zonesvector2{}List of vector2 objects representing the coordinates of each corner of the locations boundary
minznumberThe minimum z-coordinate of the location boundary
maxznumberThe maximum z-coordinate of the location boundary
labelstringLabel or name of the location
costnumberCost of purchasing the location
pedModelstringModel of the ped at the location
pedCoordsvector3Coordinates of the ped at the location
electricChargerCoordsvector4{}List of vector4 objects representing the coordinates and heading of each electric charger at the location
Config.Locations = {
    [1] = {
        zones = {vector2(176.89, -1538.26), vector2(151.52, -1560.98), vector2(168.56, -1577.65),
                 vector2(196.97, -1563.64)},
        minz = 28.2,
        maxz = 30.3,
        label = "Davis Avenue Ron",
        cost = 100000,
        pedModel = "a_m_y_mexthug_01",
        pedCoords = {
            x = 167.06,
            y = -1553.56,
            z = 28.26,
            h = 220.44
        electricChargerCoords = {vector4(175.9, -1546.65, 28.26, 134.29)}